Wednesday, July 29, 2015

led driver using lm317 (voltage regulated)

 led driver (voltage regulated driver)
This is an led driver which uses a lm317 variable voltage regulator. This regulator circuit can be useful to drive high power leds (1-5w) leds, but you would need the heatsink. You could also power low power leds like 5mm leds. This circuit can handle up to on amp at 30v and the maximum input is 30v and maximum output is 28v. Minimum input is 2-3v and minimum output is 1.5v.
To use the regulator for the led, you jeust turn the potentiometer until the output voltage is the same as the voltage needed for the led(Forward voltage).

The image on the right shows the pinout of the lm317. Wire the ic in the circuit correctly, if n