Thursday, August 13, 2015

5v switching regulator using the lm2575t-5v (37v(57v) Max input)

5v switching regulator
The circuit above shows the lm2575t-5v, it is a switching regulator that can convert 37v to 5v efficiently. This switching regulator switches the power supply at a frequency causing the output voltage to be a stable 5v constant voltage source. The feedback pin controls the switching, to constantly adjust to get 5v.  This type of regulator are better than the 5v linear regulator, which converts the not needed energy into heat. This regulator is like my 555 timer pwm led dimmer, but this can handle up to on amp, and up to 37v or 57v for the high voltage version.The picture above shows the pin-out of the lm2575 regulator. Make sure you connect it properly. In the circuit, make sure to keep all the wires except the output and input wires as short as possible to reduce the inductance of the wires, if not you wouldn't get the best results.