The side and bottom picture, shows the circuit in place to act as a hallway motion light.
These are projects and tips that I've recorded for others to understand and recreate. Click on the categories right below to find projects!
Saturday, January 30, 2016
How to make a 12V PIR motion light with 5v PIR module, a mosfet and NPN transistor Part 2
In the circuit above, it is just a modification of the part one circuit, replacing the PNP transistors with a N-channel mosfet and a NPN transistor. The circuit can be used with voltages from 8V-20V, using the LM7805, regulating the voltage to 5v for the PIR Module. The output of this circuit is controlled by the N-channel mosfet with controls the negative rail. To vary the time that the mosfet stays on, you would increase the capacitance of C1 and C2 for a longer ON time, but it would take a longer time to turn on( about 3-5 seconds), if you decrease the capacitance of the 2 capacitors, it would decrease the ON time, and the time from trigger to turning on would decrease as well.
The side and bottom picture, shows the circuit in place to act as a hallway motion light.
The side and bottom picture, shows the circuit in place to act as a hallway motion light.