Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to make a 12V PIR motion light with 5v PIR module, a mosfet and NPN transistor Part 2

In the circuit above, it is just a modification of the part one circuit, replacing the PNP transistors with a N-channel mosfet and a NPN transistor. The circuit can be used with voltages from 8V-20V, using the LM7805, regulating the voltage to 5v for the PIR Module. The output of this circuit is controlled by the N-channel mosfet with controls the negative rail. To vary the time that the mosfet stays on, you would increase the capacitance of C1 and C2 for a longer ON time, but it would take a longer time to turn on( about 3-5 seconds), if you decrease the capacitance of the 2 capacitors, it would decrease the ON time, and the time from trigger to turning on would decrease as well.
The side and bottom picture, shows the circuit in place to act as a hallway motion light.