Saturday, January 2, 2016

How to make a simple Bench Power supply using (2) Lm317 #1

Lm317 pinouts

The circuit above is a simple 3 amp variable bench power supply. It uses 2 Lm317 where the first lm317 controls the current and the second controls the voltage.  This circuit uses a cooling fan to cool the lm317 which are attached to a heatsink, to prevent them from overheating, there is a diode to act as polarity protection and an led (which should have a 1k resistor in series) to indicate when power is on. The input voltage can range to 5-30v and output can range from 1.25v to 28v at 3 amps. To use the circuit, first turn the second potentiometer to adjust the voltage then use the second potentiometer to adjust the needed current.
This is fairly useful when testing, using and building projects or other circuits.